WiFi direct service discovery in android


I suggest reading my previous posts on NSD and WiFi Direct before reading this one. This post requires some of things discussed in these two posts. If you are already aware of WiFi direct service discovery, you  can directly check out my sample code on git.

Like NSD, we can register and discover services over WiFi direct. The problem I faced with WiFi direct was one prefixed port for initial data transfer (as peer devices were not aware of the port information), after that the port was dynamic, and fixed port was released. Using WiFi direct service discovery we can append additional data (100-200 bytes)  with the advertised service. So unlike WiFi direct, we can request port dynamically and append it with service. No prefixed port.

We all know socket communication, here is a recap just in case:

//Server side
ServerSocket mServer = new ServerSocket(mPort);
Socket socket = null;
while (acceptRequests) {
    // this is a blocking operation
    socket = mServer.accept();

//Client side
socket = new Socket(hostIP, hostPort);
OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);

If you have read my earlier post on WiFi direct, you know almost everything required for WiFi direct service discovery (except appending additional data part). Function is similar to NSD and code is similar to WiFi-Direct.

Adding local service

Same class as WiFi direct is used. Here we use WifiP2pmanager‘s addLocalService() method. Here is the official documentation for this method:


All the parameters are familiar except for WifiP2pServiceInfo. Similar to NSD, this is a holder object for service information. In this case it is a WiFi P2P service info.

WifiP2pServiceInfo is a class for storing service information that is advertised over a WiFi peer-to-peer setup. It has two direct sub-classes. Both are bonjour service info:

For our use case, which sharing of port and IP information and then finally sharing data with other devices, we will use the former, it allows us to append a string map with the service. The later allows us to append a list of string, which can also be used.

As mentioned earlier, WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo allows us to append a string map. here is how to do it.

Map<String, String> record = new HashMap<String, String>();
record.put(KEY_BUDDY_NAME, player == null ? Build.MANUFACTURER : player);
record.put(KEY_PORT_NUMBER, String.valueOf(port));
record.put(KEY_DEVICE_STATUS, "available");
record.put(KEY_WIFI_IP, Utility.getWiFiIPAddress(context));

WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo service = WifiP2pDnsSdServiceInfo.newInstance(
wifiP2pManager.addLocalService(wifip2pChannel, service, new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() {

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Added Local Service");

    public void onFailure(int error) {
        Log.e(TAG, "ERRORCEPTION: Failed to add a service");

As you can see in the sample code above, a map called record is passed when creating instance of service info object. After this you are done with advertising your WiFi direct service.

Discovering WiFi direct services

Discovery requires adding a service discovery request in WiFi direct via WifiP2pManager‘s addServiceRequest() method. Here is description from the official site:


After this a the service discovery request must be issued. Set the type of service you want to discover DNS-SD or UPNP and issue the request.

serviceRequest = WifiP2pDnsSdServiceRequest.newInstance();
wifiP2pManager.addServiceRequest(wifip2pChannel, serviceRequest,
new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() {

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d(TAG, "Added service discovery request");

    public void onFailure(int arg0) {
        Log.d(TAG, "ERRORCEPTION: Failed adding service discovery request");
wifiP2pManager.discoverServices(wifip2pChannel, new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() {

	public void onSuccess() {
		Log.d(TAG, "Service discovery initiated");

	public void onFailure(int arg0) {
		Log.d(TAG, "Service discovery failed: " + arg0);

There is a reason code associated with every failure callback. Check those error code if you get a failure callback.

The map that was advertised is received in DnsSdTxtRecordListener interface callback. This needs to be set to receive the map. And DnsSdServiceResponseListener is callback for receiving the advertised service. Here is how to set it:

new WifiP2pManager.DnsSdServiceResponseListener() {

    public void onDnsSdServiceAvailable(String instanceName,
        String registrationType, WifiP2pDevice srcDevice) {

        // A service has been discovered. Is this our app?
        if (instanceName.equalsIgnoreCase(SERVICE_INSTANCE)) {
            // yes it is
         } else {
            //no it isn't
}, new WifiP2pManager.DnsSdTxtRecordListener() {

    public void onDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable(
            String fullDomainName, Map<String, String> record,
            WifiP2pDevice device) {
        boolean isGroupOwner = device.isGroupOwner();
        peerPort = Integer.parseInt(record.get(TransferConstants.KEY_PORT_NUMBER).toString());
			// further process

here in the text record callback you can see the map is received with whatever info was set. After this it is same as WiFi direct. you can check out my earlier post for this.

You need to have a connection info listener same as WiFi direct example (old post), and you need to connect with the device, with info received as a part of DnsSdTxtRecordAvailable or DnsSdServiceAvailable callbacks (above code example).

In the code example above you can see that the port information is received as a part of string map in text record available method, and in connection info callback you can get the IP address of the group owner of the current WiFi group. After that, its the same age old socket communication.

Check out the google sample for this. My sample app source is available on git.

Happy coding!!!

Let me know what you think. Got any questions? shoot below in comments.

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)


Local networking in android – WiFi direct


In my earlier blog post I discussed data sharing between two android devices in same network using NSD. In this post I will explain communication between two non-connected android devices (can be connected to same or other network, doesn’t really matter) via WiFi direct. Devices should be in WiFi range. I will start with a bit of theory about WiFi direct and then we will see how it is implementable using android APIs (Sample app source code git link is at the end of this post).

Same as earlier post the problem addressed is sharing IP and port information. Communication again will be socket communication.

WiFi direct is a WiFi certified standard enabling devices to connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point (a.k.a router or WiFi hot spot). Using this, devices can communicate with each other at typical WiFi speeds, unlike ad hoc wireless connections (which allows two or more devices to connect and communicate, and has a limit of 11 Mbps) or Bluetooth, setup required for WiFi direct is much simpler. Here each member is assigned a limited access point and other members connect to it as regular clients. WPS and WPA2 are used for encryption and keep the communication private.

The peer device acting as current access point is said to be assuming a group owner role in WiFi direct group. A WiFi direct group consists of 1 group owner and devices or peers connected to it as clients (P2P clients). The group owner device sets properties for communication like operating channel, whether the group is persistent, encryption type etc. Any compatible device with right hardware and android ICS or above (API 14+) can assume group owner role. After role negotiation (group owner or P2P client), devices assume their decided role, and group owner starts operating in access point mode (this access point will not be visible under available networks of mobile devices).

Now coming to android. Android’s WiFi P2P framework complies with WiFi direct certification program. It consists of:

  • Methods that allows us to discover, request and connect to peers (android.net.wifi.p2p.WifiP2pManager).
  • Listeners that notifies us of success and failure of WifiP2pmanager’s method calls.
  • Intents to notify specific events, such as new peer joined, connection dropped etc. (like WIFI_P2P_PEERS_CHANGED_ACTION and WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION)

Discovering peers

You need the following permissions for using WiFi direct for communication

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" android:required="true"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" android:required="true"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" android:required="true"/>

Internet permission is required for using sockets anyway.

wifiP2pManager.discoverPeers(wifip2pChannel, new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        // discovery has been successfully started

    public void onFailure(int reasonCode) {
        // discovery failed to start. checkout reason code

The above method is all you need to start the WiFi direct peer discovery. If you get a callback in failure method, check the reason code for it.

Getting peer list

Getting peer list is tricky, as WifiP2pManager will not give you that. This is done via broadcast receivers registered dynamically (not in the manifest file).


The second filter action in above code (the image) is what is triggered when a new peer has joined (or left). When broadcast with this action is received we can request peers from WifiP2pManager. It takes a callback to return entire peer list not just the new ones, so if you are displaying a list, clear the list and add all the peers received in the callback. here is the broadcast receiver’s code:

if (WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_PEERS_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
    // request available peers from the wifi p2p manager. This is an
    // asynchronous call and the calling activity is notified with a
    // callback on PeerListListener.onPeersAvailable() of passed activity
    // the activity implements the listener interface
    if (wiFiP2pManager != null) {
        wiFiP2pManager.requestPeers(channel, activity);

The callback that is overridden will be called asynchronously. Peer list can be extracted from there.

public void onPeersAvailable(WifiP2pDeviceList peerList) {
    List<WifiP2pDevice> devices = (new ArrayList<>());

    //do something with the device list

So now we have the peer list. We can display this list to user or call connect with each peer. Once the peer is discovered we need to send a connection request to connect and form a WiFi direct group.

Connecting with a peer

This step requires WiFi mac of the device. It is received as a part of peer info in discovery step. Here are the properties of WifiP2pDevice:


The WifiP2pDevice list that we received in OnPeersAvailable() method of PeerListListener callback has exactly what we need to make a connection request.

Here is how to make a connection request using WifiP2pManager.

WifiP2pConfig config = new WifiP2pConfig();
config.deviceAddress = //set device address from WifiP2pDevice received;
config.wps.setup = WpsInfo.PBC;
config.groupOwnerIntent = 4;
wifiP2pManager.connect(wifip2pChannel, config, new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        // Connection request successfully sent

    public void onFailure(int reasonCode) {
        // Failed to send connection request.

Just create a config object set channel properties and call the connect method. The group owner intent value is for setting the probability of the device to become group owner. It’s value varies from 0-15. 15 means highest chance of the connection request sender device to become group owner. But whatever code you write, you must handle both group owner and a regular P2P client scenario.

Once the request is sent to a device, the device user must accept the connection request from system prompt. After that role negotiation happens and devices move to their decided roles. After successful connection, a connection info request can be issued via WifiP2pManager. Which sends callback to WifiP2pManager.ConnectionInfoListener. It has only one method:


This connection info object WifiP2pInfo contains the IP information of group owner. Check below:


So now, our first problem is addressed, here we got the IP address of the group owner. And we also know whether the current device is group owner or not. So basically every peer in the group knows the group owner’s IP address.

The remaining problem is sharing the port it is listening on. I couldn’t find any proper solution for this, I solved it by prefixing the port, then sharing the dynamic port data with clients, and then clients can share their own info and dynamic port. So first communication happens over the fixed port and after that, then dynamic port data number is transferred, and then it is regular socket communication. Check out my sample app for this.

Even this problem can be solved using the WiFi direct service discovery. Watch out for my next post on this topic.

One last thing to cover in this post is method called createGroup(). This method is for supporting the legacy devices with no WiFi direct hardware. This basically an access point and any device with WiFi capability can connect with it like a regular access point and share data like we did in my previous post. On top of that it can work as expected in WiFi direct scenario, so support both types of devices.

Sample app code available in github.

Happy coding!!!

Let me know what you think. Got any questions? shoot below in comments.

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)


Local networking using NSD (Network service discovery)


In this post we will see how data can be transferred between two android devices in the same network. What follows is a bit of theory and implementation in android studio. There is a source code link at the bottom of the page for reference.

In LAN communication a server listens for client requests in one port (with a blocking connection) and client connects and communicates with server using the IP address and port information. This is basic socket communication in client-server architecture.

LAN communication have been around since ages, be it between laptops, desktops or other mobile devices. Socket communication is nothing new in the world on networking. However, there are mainly 2 problems associated with it:

  • Device(s) is/are not aware of the IP address of other device(s).
  • Device(s) do not know the port other device(s) is/are listening on.

The 2nd problem mentioned above is solvable by prefixing a port. Say port 35627 is fixed for our particular application, so once we know the IP address we know the port we have fixed for our application. But this has other side-effects. OS usually gets any free port when any application requests it or for its own purposes. If the fixed port is used by any other application and you try to use it, you will get a port already in use exception. To avoid this, the port must be requested dynamically from the OS, and OS will provide you any free port (hence no chances of port already in use exception).

And other device(s) must be aware of this port and IP information for communicating with it.

With NSD (Network service discovery), this very problem is addressed. Communication happens over socket like always, but NSD equips us with ways to share the IP and port information. Lets see what NSD is all about, and how to solve the mentioned problem using NSD.

Android NSD allows our app to identify devices in the same network that offer the services we are requesting. With NSD we can register, discover and connect with our service (or other services) over network. Service is basically some information that is advertised over network. Similar to a broadcast receiver and intent broadcast in android. Device 1 advertises some service say Multi-player chess and device 2 discovers it, connect with it and LAN chess use case solved.

Basic steps involved in NSD are depicted in below figure:


As you can see from above, steps involved in NSD are as follows:

  • Application starts and registers a service over network (optional step, avoid if all you want is to discover a service).
  • App starts service discovery over network.
  • In callback method a service object is received when service is FOUND.
  • In callback method a service object is received when service is LOST.
  • resolve the found service and extract the port and IP information of the service advertiser.
  • Use socket to establish a connection and communicate.

Once port and IP information is retrieved by resolving the found service, the socket communication (yes the ye-old socket communication) is used to transfer data. Lets see these are done in code.

Registering your service

Android’s NsdManager class is used for this. simply call registerService.

NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo = new NsdServiceInfo();
      serviceInfo, NsdManager.PROTOCOL_DNS_SD, mRegistrationListener);

An NsdServiceInfo object needs to be created and passed in register service method for registration. It holds the service information to be advertised. Service name can be any name you want your service to have, a simple string. Service type is also a string and needs to be in “_<protocol>._<transportLayer>” format. You can choose the type of service from IANA. For the demo I created I simply used an unregistered one “_localdash._tcp“.

Next parameter is protocol, please use the one mentioned in the code, I didn’t find any other protocol. DNS_SD stands for Domain Name System Service Discovery.

The registration listener passed as the last parameter in register service method is callback. It contains 4 methods related to registration. Registration listener’s callback methods are when registration is successful, or failed, or un-registration happens etc. Click on this link to know more.

Callback on Registration listener’s onServiceRegistered() method means service has been successfully advertised. Next is discovering the advertised services.

Discovering services

For discovering services using NSD we use the discoverServices() method (of course).

        SERVICE_TYPE, NsdManager.PROTOCOL_DNS_SD, mDiscoveryListener);

Here we are telling NsdManager which type of services to discover. The callback here is Discovery listener. This callback informs us when a service is found or lost. It has many callback methods, the one that is important to us is onServiceFound(). Click here to know about other callback methods of discovery listener. For every failure method there is a reason code in parameter. The service found here can be a different service than what we are expecting make sure to verify service type and service name before proceeding. The source for my demo app is shared on github, do check it out to know how to do it (github link). The NsdServiceInfo object in onServiceFound() method cannot be used yet. It needs to be resolved first.

Resolving discovered services

Services can be resolved via resolveService() method of NsdManager. Here is the code for it:

mNsdManager.resolveService(service, mResolveListener)

This is called in service found method of discovery listener (after confirming it is our service). The call back Resolve listener has two methods. on service resolved and on resolve failed (with error code). Once service resolved callback is received, we can use the service info object in its parameter to retrieve IP and port information. Here is how to do it:

NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo = //The service object in OnServiceResolved
String ipAddress = serviceInfo.getHost().getHostAddress();
int port = serviceInfo.getPort();
//Data sending service
DataSender.sendCurrentDeviceData(LocalDashNSD.this, ipAddress, port);

Here we got the service advertisers IP address and port information set by him (or it, the advertiser) when advertising the service. Now Bang!!! socket communication can happen. This happened without any mischievous stuff or hard coding or any magic numbers. Everything is real dynamic.

If you don’t know how to perform basic socket communication or you want to check out all the steps we discussed here check out my demo app code on github:

Happy coding!!!

Let me know what you think. Got any questions? shoot below in comments.

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)


Gradle power – Automatically generate Android App Version Code and Name

One recommended practice with Android app development is upgrading app version code and name in gradle file for every code change. We have been doing this manually all this time, there is an additional overhead (time) of gradle syncing for every change that happens in build gradle files. This trick automates that process using simple gradle methods and logic. Even if you forget to upgrade the version, this trick will take care of it.

It is not mandatory but I recommend going through the basics of product flavours in Android. We will be upgrading versions of default config and all the flavours. You can Google it up or check out this link.

Android apps version code and name are defined in the module’s build.gradle file. Same goes for all the product flavours. All are defined inside Android block. Here is a sample:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "app.package.default"
        versionCode 1
        versionName '1.0'

    productFlavors {
        free {
            applicationId "app.package.free"
            versionCode 101
            versionName '1.101.1'
        pro {
           applicationId "app.package.pro"
           versionCode 301
           versionName '1.301.3'
        freemium {
           applicationId "app.package.freemium"
           versionCode 501
           versionName '1.501.5'

FYI, version code and name can be overridden in flavours as shown above. In fact, any property of default config can be overriden in flavours. Both use the same DSL object for configuration.

As you can see, we have to manually write “1.0” and 1 in version name and code respectively. And when we change that, we need to wait for gradle sync to finish. Now let’s see how to automate this process.

We are going to create a method that calculates an upgraded number and we will use this method in version name and code. Like this:

versionCode getCustomNumber()
versionName "1.0." + getAnotherOrSameCustomNumber()

This method in defined in project level build.gradle file. You can use any logic in getCustomNumber() and getAnotherOrSameCustomNumber() that returns an upgraded number every time it is called. When you define this, make sure it returns an upgraded number as a lower version code will not upgrade your app. A simple logic based on timestamp is defined below.

def getCustomNumber() {
    def date = new Date()
    def formattedDate = date.format('yyMMddHHmm')
    def code = formattedDate.toInteger()
    return code

allprojects {
    version = '1.0.' + getCustomVersionCode()
    repositories {

Defining the base version in allProjects block is important, or else you will see a null version code and name and may result in build failure. Here’s how we can use the above defined method in app level’s build.gradle file (including product flavours).

android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "app.package.default"
        versionCode getCustomVersionCode()
        versionName '1.0.' + getCustomVersionCode()

    productFlavors {
        free {
            applicationId "app.package.free"
            versionName '1.101.' + getCustomVersionCode()
        pro {
            applicationId "app.package.pro"
            versionName '1.301.' + getCustomVersionCode()
        freemium {
            applicationId "app.package.freemium"
            versionName '1.501.' + getCustomVersionCode()

You can even use the revision of the source control you use in your project, just need to find the right gradle plugin your source control.

If you remove the base version in allProject block of project level build.gradle file, you will see a “null” in version code in generated manifest. And your app may or may not run. So please avoid it.

Let me know what you think.

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)


Gradle power – android product flavours and configuration


Product Flavours have been around for quite some time now. I feel Product flavours are one of the coolest things about android studio. I am so smitten by product flavour that I decided to write a post about it :p. What follows will be introduction, application, grouping, filtering and configuration of product flavours in android. If you have already applied these and have any questions, shoot in comments below.

Product flavours are very useful when you want to create multiple versions of your app like demo, free, paid etc. You must have seen various versions of same app in google play like angry birds free and angry birds hd. You can have a single source code and generate n number of variants of your app. If you want to write common code that can be used in various types of apps, product flavours is not the way to go, what you are looking for is android library.

Let’s see how to create product flavours

android {...
    defaultConfig {...}
    productFlavors {
        flavour1 {...}
        flavour2 {...}
        flavour3 {...}

As you can see, this skeleton goes in android block in build.gradle file (app/module level). By writing this we have created 3 flavours called flavour1, flavour2 and flavour3 (duh..). By default android has 2 debug types called debug and release (more can be added like jnidebug), a build variant or variant is a combination of build type and product flavour. So now there will be 6 build variants. flavour1-debug, flavour1-release, flavour2-debug, flavour2-release, flavour3-debug and flavour3-release. Inside these flavour blocks are flavour specific properties and methods like applicationId (the app package name), versionCode, buildConfigField etc. We will see these a little later. Click here to see ProductFlavour DSL (domain specific language) object that is used to configure flavour specific properties and methods.

We all know about default config. Whatever properties and methods that are defined in default config are inherited by all product flavours. Default config block is also uses ProductFlavour DSL (domain specific language) object. This means that everything that goes inside a default config block can go inside a flavour block. Each product flavour can override the properties and methods defined in default config block.

android {...
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "the.default.packagename"
        minSdkVersion 8
        versionCode 10
    productFlavors {
        flavour1 {
            applicationId "the.default.packagename.flavour1"
            minSdkVersion 15
        flavour2 {
            applicationId "the.default.packagename.flavour2"
            versionCode 20
        flavour3 {...}

In the above example some properties are overwritten and rest are inherited from default config block. Click here to see list of all the properties and methods that can be configured inside default config and flavour block (or groovy closure). ApplicationId property is to assign different default package to each flavour. This makes sure that different variants of your app can be installed on the same device.

SourceSets for product flavours

This creates 6 source sets:

"src/flavour1" - android.sourceSets.flavour1
"src/flavour2" - android.sourceSets.flavour2
"src/flavour3" - android.sourceSets.flavour3
"src/androidTestFlavour1" - android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavour1
"src/androidTestFlavour2" - android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavour2
"src/androidTestFlavour3" - android.sourceSets.androidTestFlavour3

// All these folder follow the java/src/main/.. structure 
// for any flavour and test specific customization. click 
// below link to know more about android sourceSets.
// http://goo.gl/NvAg74

This flavour specific folder structure is where the flavour specific code resides. Like flavour1 customization must be done inside “src/flavour1/ {java, res, assets}” folder. The common code lives in “src/main/…” directory. If you want to change the app name for say flavour2, all you need to do is define app_name (or whichever string resource you are using as app name in manifest) in “src/flavour2/res/values/strings.xml“. Just whatever you want to override, do not copy the entire xml or res file in flavour specific folder, let android resource merger do its job. Say you are using “@drawable/ico_app or @mipmap/ico_app” as app icon, this can be easily configured for each flavour by keeping flavour specific icons in respective folder structure. e.g. for flavour3, just name the flavour3 specific icon as ico_app and keep it in drawable or mipmap folder (whichever you are using) in flavour3 specific directory.

Multi-flavour variants

Now this is useful when the variants of your app is decided by one dimension. e.g. say the dimension is price, you can create flavours like free, paid, freemium etc. what if the requirement is to create variants based on multiple dimensions, like for environment dimension there can be three flavours “dev“, “staging” and “production“, and three for price dimension “free“, “freemium” and “paid“, and may be another dimension. In this case you can select either of the six flavours plus debug or release. But the product flavour we are interested in is dependent on both dimensions. Something like free-dev-debug, paid-production-release etc. Here we are trying to group product flavours, which is not allowed by default. This can be enabled via dimension attribute of product flavours. We can set dimensions of product flavours via flavorDimensions attribute of android block, and then we can assign a dimension to each flavour. Here is an example:

android {...
    flavorDimensions "country", "price"
    productFlavors {
        free {dimension "type"...}
        pro {dimension "type"...}
        India {dimension "country"...}
        China {dimension "country"...}
        Russia {dimension "country"...}

In this example as we can see there are two flavour dimensions, country and price. Country flavour dimension has three flavours India, China and Russia, price has two flavours free and pro. This in turn creates 12 build variants for us:


As you can see just by defining the flavorDimensions and dimension attribute, the product flavours can be grouped, and android creates variants that are all possible combinations of flavours of all types of dimensions and build types. These variants are reflected everywhere, including the build variants tab on lower left side of android studio.

Filtering product flavours

Now look at the list of build variants above. What if we want to filter this list. Say I don’t want Russia-free and India-paid variant for some reason. This is possible by ignoring some of the build variants based on some condition. Below is an example of ignoring Russia-free variant.

//Filtering variants
android {
    variantFilter { variant ->
        def names = variant.flavors*.name
        def buildTypeName = variant.buildType.name
        // if buildtype is required for filtering use
        // the above field
        if (names.contains("Russia") && names.contains("free")) {
            variant.ignore = true
            // or variant.setIgnore(true)

The build variants can be ignored by setting the ignore field or by setting setIgnore to false. This global filtering is reflected everywhere including the build variants tab on lower left side of android studio, assemble, install tasks etc.

Flavour specific dependency

You must have seen testCompile “junit…” in your projects. This is flavour specific dependency. junit for example is a testing library and must not be shipped with the release apk (why increase the size of your apk with something that is required only for testing). Adding “flavourCompile” syntax dependency section of app level build.gradle adds the dependency for that particular flavour. If you are familiar with facebook’s stetho library, then you know it is only for development purpose and must not be shipped with release version. This is an awesome feature that comes with android product flavours. Some examples:

testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
stethoFlavourCompile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.3.1'

There are a couple of things to discuss before we can conclude product flavours.

BuildConfig constants and res values

Now we know that flavour specific code goes in flavour specific sourceSet, but sometimes we need flavour specific code in main code base (“src/main/…“). The problem here is: the main source code doesn’t know which flavour is or will be getting generated. For this there is something called BuildConfig. It is an auto generated file and must not be tempered with. This file contains flavours specific constants and can be used in main source code. Check out  ProductFlavour DSL object for available properties and methods. You can set flavour specific constants and resources like this:

android {...
    flavorDimensions "country", "price"
    productFlavors {
        free {dimension "type"
            buildConfigField("String", "featureList", "restricted")
            resValue("boolean", "ads", "true")
        pro {dimension "type"
            buildConfigField("String", "featureList", "all")
            resValue("boolean", "ads", "false")
       India { applicationId "my.app.india"
            dimension "country"
            buildConfigField("String", "shortcode", "IN")
       China { applicationId "my.app.china"
            dimension "country"
            buildConfigField("String", "shortcode", "CHN")
       Russia { applicationId "my.app.russia"
            dimension "country"
            buildConfigField("String", "shortcode", "RU")

This is then used to generate BuildConfig class and dynamic resources (check our resources in generated folder). For a Russian-pro-debug build variant (from flavour definition above), the generated build config will look something this:

//Build config for Russia-pro-debug build variant
public final class BuildConfig {
    public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true");
    public static final String APPLICATION_ID = "my.app.russia";
    public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug";
    public static final String FLAVOR = "proRussia";
    public static final int VERSION_CODE = 1;
    public static final String VERSION_NAME = "1.0";
    public static final String FLAVOR_price = "pro";
    public static final String FLAVOR_country = "Russia";
    // Fields from product flavor: pro
    public static final String featureList = "all";
    // Fields from product flavor: Russia
    public static final String shortcode = "RU";

As you can see the constants are specific to a selected flavour. This can then be used in the main source. Easy peasy isn’t it? Build config file is in this location (“<app or module>\build\generated\source\buildConfig\<variant>\<debug or release>\my\app\package“).

Dynamic manifest

Sometimes we need to use app’s package in manifest file. But with product flavours the app’s package or application id is no longer fixed. In this case we can make the package dynamic in manifest with groovy syntax. By doing so, the application Id is picked from build.gradle at run time. Here is a sample:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android......
    android:protectionLevel="signature" />

This is an example for a declared permission for android GCM. Notice the groovy syntax around applicationId, that is where the magic is happening.

Let me know what you think. Happy coding!!!

Have questions? Did I miss anything? Shoot below in comments.

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)


Gradle power – changing default apk name via script plugin

Android studio is the IDE for android application development which uses gradle for build automation. Yet android developers (including me) are not aware of the power gradle packs with it. The level of customization that gradle offers is amazing. This is the first post of “power of gradle in android studio” from my blog, I hope it helps you become a better android developer.

This post is not about gradle basics, it is about using gradle to suit our needs. I recommend taking a look at this presentation for understanding just enough gradle to get started, it is optional though if all you want is to change the default apk name.

There are many ways to change that default apk name that goes something like “app-flavor1-flavor2…-debug.apk“. One way is to create a gradle task, another is to loop through all the build variants etc. In this post we will see how to use a script plugin to change that name.

There are basically two types of plugins in gradle, script plugin and binary plugin. I am sure you have seen binary plugins. Whenever we use apply plugin syntax we are applying binary plugin. for example this is how android plugin is applied in android applications: apply plugin: “com.android.application”. Script plugins are separate gradle files that are included in the application using the syntax: apply from “../newgradlefile.gradle”.

Let’s see how we can create a script plugin for changing the default apk name in android applications. Below is the content of a gradle file that I named apknomenclature.gradle, this file in the root directory of android project:

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->;
     def appName
     //Check if an applicationName property is supplied;
     //if not use the name of the parent folder name.
     if (project.hasProperty("applicationName")) {
          appName = applicationName
     } else {
          appName = parent.name
    variant.outputs.each { output ->;
         def newApkName
         if (output.zipAlign) {
              newApkName = "${appName}-${variant.name}.apk"
              output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent, newApkName)

This is the content of apknomenclature.gradle file in the root folder of my android application. What this is basically doing is looping through all the build variants of android application and changing the output file. It checks if there is any property called applicationName in gradle.properties file (applicationName=MyCustomAppName). If it is there, it takes that name or else picks the root folder’s name and renames the apk as per logic defined. This change doesn’t change anything except the name of the apk, you can run and debug your application like you did earlier.

The zipAlign if condition is only to change the name of signed and aligned apk not the unaligned one. We don’t need to bother about unaligned apks anyway.

Notice the variable called newApkName, you can add your custom logic to change this variable’s value, which will be reflected in resulting apk name. You can add timestamp or version code of your app, but I wouldn’t recommend using that in the apk name as the name is cached in android studio. So if you change version code very frequently in your app you will notice this error “apk “your_apk_name_timeinmillis_…” doen’t exist…“. So just keep the name in the code above or use something that doesn’t change frequently.

Now that our apknomenclature.gradle file or our script plugin is ready, we need to apply it to app level build gradle file like this “apply from “../apknomenclature.gralde”“.

This will change the apk name in the outputs directory. If you run into any issues, just comment the apply from line of code run the app, then uncomment it and run again.

I know its not much to change the apk name, but its a start. Watch out this space for more.

Let me know what you think. Happy coding!!!

Have questions? Did I miss anything? Shoot below in comments

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)



An introduction to android data binding library (I)


Data binding library is useful for creating declarative layouts and minimizing the glue code required to bind application logic and layouts. Data binding support library offers both flexibility and broad compatibility, and can be used on all android platform versions starting 2.1+ (API 7 onwards). This library is still in beta and has some caveats but developers are free to use it for production.

Developer’s guide for Data Binding.

Write apps faster with data binding library. The entire intent behind data binding library is to write app faster. Watch this video by google devs for more info.

This is exclusively for developers, the end user of your app will not see any difference whatsoever.


Binding data with UI is a very tedious task in Android. No matter what you are building to update even one UI element, you have to find it by id and then cast it into the widget you are using, then and only then, it can be updated. There was no proper way of binding data. With the announcement of data binding library in Google IO 2015, there is a better way. With this library, developers can write apps faster. It is support library and is supported all the way back to API version 7 (or Android 2.1). Check out the source code and snapshot attached with this article.

What is Possible with Data Binding Library:

With Data binding Library, you can:

  • Write apps faster
  • Remove “find view by id” and casting into widgets from your code
  • Minimize glue code required to bind your UI and data
  • Define custom attributes for XML layouts
  • Bind custom variables and events
  • Use observable fields so that UI gets updated automatically when state of a bind object changes (not covered in this article)

This is just a subset of what is possible. You can do a lot more. I will post more in upcoming articles.

Setting Up Android Studio:

Before you begin exploring and developing with data binding library, a few steps are needed to set up your Android Studio IDE (must be 1.3 or higher and Gradle plugin 1.5 or higher). Set up your module’s gradle file:

android {
    dataBinding {
       enabled = true
enable data binding

Add this dependency in your project’s gradle file:

classpath "com.android.databindig:databinder:1.0.-rc1"

And that’s it. Your Android studio is now ready for using data binding library.

If you are creating a library project using Android data binding library, the project using your library must enable data binding in modules gradle file (as explained above, data binder dependency is not required). Don’t forget to mention this in your library’s release notes.

Declaring a Data Bind Layout:

This is how we declare regular or normal layouts in Android:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <TextView android:id="@+id/txt_version_name"

For writing Data bind layouts, the root element of layout xml must be changed to <layout> tag. Optionally, include a data tag if a variable is to be used for populating UI elements or an import statement is required. Here is an example.

As you can see from the above example, with just a little extra code, you can easily write data bind layouts or migrate your old layouts. No reflection hacks are used for this. All the processing is done in compile time. The <layout> tag tells the XMLLayoutProcessor that this is a data bind layout. The <data> tag is used to define a variable that is to be used in populating UI; and to import custom or other classes. For example, if View.VISIBLE property is used in data bind expression (as shown below), View class (android.view.View) must be imported before using it.

Some Data Binding Expressions:

In the earlier section, I explained what is possible with data binding library. Here is how you can implement those:

  • Bind custom variables:
    • Described in previous section is custom variable (vItem)
    • Apart from that, you can bind arrays, lists, primitive types, sparse lists, maps and more
    • All declaration and imports are inside <data> tag
  • Move basic UI logic to XML layout files:
    android:text="@{vItem.name.substring(1)}" //substring in xml
    android:text='@{vItem.code + "(" + vItem.versionNum+")"}' //String manipulation
    android:visibility="@{vItem.even ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE}"
  • Define custom attributes:

There is no such custom attribute. You can bind it with custom method definition, e.g.:

public static void loadImage(ImageView img, String url) {

Cool, isn’t it. You can imagine the possibilities with this. One awesome example is setting text font. Increases readability like 2 folds.


public static void setFont(TextView tv, String fontName) {
    String fontPath = "/assets/fonts/"+fontName;
    // set font in text view here

Demo App:

Below is a screen shot of a sample app




You can download sample application from here. (Make sure you have followed the steps properly)

Let me know what you think. Happy coding!!!

Have questions? Did I miss anything? Shoot below in comments

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)


Gearing up for android studio 2.0

Android studio



I am gonna talk about setting up android studio 2.0 (currently only preview is available) and some of the new features in this post.

First things first… What is android studio?

If you are an android developer, the above question is useless. Here’s a little info anyway:

  • Google’s IDE for android development.
  • Built in support for Google cloud platform.
  • Flexible Gradle-based build system.
  • Built on top of latest IntelliJ IDEA platform.
  • Multi screen app development.
  • Latest version 1.5.1. (as of December-19,2015)
  • Available on android developer site. http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

If you are still using eclipse for android development, this is the right time to switch to android studio.

The one major problem with android studio has been speed. Android studio was slow. Since the early release of this IDE, there has been a lot of changes. Android studio 2.0 is just awesome. It is not released yet, but the preview version is available on canary channel. As of now it is recommended to keep two copies of android studio, you shouldn’t update your current dev environment to studio 2.0 preview. You can (just change the updates channel in IDE) but you shouldn’t.

Almost all the issues I faced are gone in android studio 2.0 preview 5 (released on 14-jan-2016). Awesome features (detailed later in the post).

If you are wondering how to keep multiple copies of android studio in one machine, this will help.

Now once you are done downloading the studio preview from the canary channel, import a sample project or one of your projects or simply create a new one. Few more steps to get the most out of the 2.0 preview:

  • Change the gradle plugin used in your app module to gradle:2.0.0-alpha5′
    • classpath ‘com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.0.0-alpha5’ in dependencies
    • This is required for features like instant run (read on to know more).
  • Download latest android sdk tools from preview channel.
    • This is needed for emulators 2.0 and other cool stuff (bleeding edge stuff as google calls it).


  • Change your update dialogue in IDE settings to get updates from canary channel and sdk tools from preview channel.
    • This is optional but set it so that you get the latest updates.
    • To set it. click help->check for updates. In the dialogue that opens click on updates hyperlink.
    • Latest android sdk tools as of now is 25.0.2 rc3.

That’s it you are now all setup for exploring and using the new android studio 2.0 preview.

Here’s almost everything you need to know about android studio 2.0 preview (preview 5 released on 14-Jan-2015):

  • If you have some time please watch this video by google devs. It explains a lotta things.
  • Broadly the new changes are categorized into three categories:
    • Build System
    • IDE enhancements
    • Android emulators

Android Studio has never been faster and developer friendly. Category wise improvements:

  • Build System
    • Improved dx merger (Build tools 23.0.2+, Gradle plugin 2.0+)
      • Pre-dexes dependencies
      • resulting in gradle build being 2.0-2.5 times faster.
      • One of my apps that has 20k+ lines of code used to take 2 min 53 sec to build, now it takes only 23 seconds. So in my case it is more than 6 times faster.
    • New experimental shrinker for debug mode
      • We all use proguard for release. It is awesome. It shrinks, optimizes and obfuscates the code. But we never get its benefit for debug mode. With the new experimental shrinker we can get the shrinking benefit right in debug mode.
      • To enable it just set minifyEnabled to true and useProguard to false in debug build type.
      • overall build deploy cycle is ~1.5 times faster. (Not great but still cool)
    • New protocol for ADB push / pull.
      • huge speed improvement in adb push n pull.
    • Instant Run (My personal favourite, requires Gradle 2.0-alpha5+ and gradlew 2.10)
      • It is process of deploying code changes on the fly without having to build the whole app.
      • You can see your changes in a matter of seconds in an emulator or a connected device.
      • Instant run is available in almost all
        • android versions (4.0+)
        • physical devices
        • emulators (2.0+ of course)
      • Hot swap (supported in 2.0 preview 2+)
        • Swap code changes on the fly
      • cold swap (supported in 2.0 preview 5+)
        • Deploy deltas for code changes that cannot be hot swapped.
        • Not tested this but according to release notes it is supported
      • Freeze swap (supported in 2.0 preview 5)
        • Build changes incrementally even if the app is not running on device or emulator.
        • Not tested this but according to release notes it is supported.
      • I think Instant run deserves it’s own blog post. Maybe later 🙂
  • IDE enhancements
    • Latest IntelliJ 15 support (15.0.2).
      • built on top of IntelliJ 15.0.2 (released sometime in NOV 2015)
    • New GPU profiler (experimental preview).
      • It is available in studio 1.5.1 as well, but with 2.0 preview you can save the entire graphic stream and play it frame by frame in emulator and device to figure out why your Open GL app crashed or ANR.
      • This is also in experimental state, but still very powerful tool for open GL.
    • In built support for Google search deep linking.
      • Deeplinks means how your app comes up in devices’ Google search when your app is installed and when not installed.
      • Deeplinks have been present for a long time now. With studio 2.0 you get one click support for creating deep links.
      • Just open manifest file and click on that yellow bulb icon on left of the editor.
    • Lot of UI improvements.
      • Download it to see the UI improvements.
  • Android emulators
    • I know, lot of us prefer real devices for testing over laggy emulators. But I believe with emulators 2.0 you would prefer emulators over actual device.
    • Completely new UI with extended controls.
      • Control almost every feature of emulated device
    • Drag and drop apks and files to install and copy.
    • Send sms, receive calls.
    • System keyboard support.
      • Directly type in from system keyboard.
    • Finger printing support.
      • If you don’t have Nexus 5X or 6P, you can test finger printing API using emulators 2.0. It features a set of 10 fake finger prints to test the API.
    • Resize emulators.
    • Emulate GPS locations via kml and gpx files
    • android emulator 2_0


The mentioned points cover some of the new features introduced in android studio 2.0 preview. One important part that I left out here is the testing support. There is a new way to test various product flavours. I still don’t know much about it, I think it is called hermetic testing. You can test instrumentation and android test simultaneously.

I will cover more on emulators and how Instant Run works in upcoming blog posts.

Stay tuned.

Have questions? Did I miss anything? Shoot below in comments

-Kaushal D (@drulabs twitter/github)
